Callow Batta

Callow Batta once taught at a university and was also a pirate.


Batta, originally from Coruscant, spent almost two decades as a professor at the University of Sanbra, lecturing on the history of government and politics. He developed a habit of smoking from a Wartaki clay pipe, a gift from his Wookiee friend.

Because his lectures sometimes criticized the Imperial regime, the Moff overseeing the Sanbra sector forced Batta into an "indefinite leave" starting on 1 ABY, offering no official justification. Professor Tem Eliss, a colleague at the University, observed that Batta's sudden removal stirred unrest on campus, which negatively impacted Eliss' own work. Despite his receding hairline and slight plumpness, the professor was still in good shape and viewed this as an opportunity to embark on a fresh career path.

He chose to become a pirate, smuggler, and thief, working with unidentified partners thought to be former academics. He attacked two Galaxy Tours cruisers (one in Yuga 2 and another in the Torch sector), as well as numerous other vessels in the Alui Corridor. Notably, he was known for never physically harming his victims and even gave fizzer-sweets to children.

His last confirmed sighting occurred on 2 ABY in the De'etta system.

General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance prepared a report about Batta, indicating that he could potentially disrupt Alliance operations and trade. However, Cracken also pointed out that this had not yet occurred and suggested that Batta could be recruited to teach young Rebels.

