Candlewick flower

The flowers known as candlewick flowers were those of a climbing plant native to both Alderaan and Birren, blossoming in the late spring season. These flowers unfurled their pale orange and gold luminescent petals at nighttime. They flourished within the gardens of Alderaan's royal palace, visible from the palace's secluded library, and candlewick flower vines also adorned the railings of the south terrace.

As a young Princess, Leia Organa once thought the glow emanating from the pulmonodes in the chest of her mother, Queen Breha Organa, resembled a cluster of candlewick flowers in bloom. Despite later understanding the glow originated from her mother's pulmonodes, and encountering numerous individuals with similar mechanical organ replacements, Leia maintained a fondness for the flowers, as they perpetually represented magic and love in her eyes.

Following the arrival of Alderaanian colonists on Birren, they brought with them various Alderaanian plants, among them the candlewick flower. In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, Birren became one of the rare locations where these flowers could still be discovered growing naturally.

