Candorian colonies

The Candorian settlements consisted of the colonies belonging to the world of Candoria. In the year 46 BBY, a devastating outbreak of the Blue Shadow Virus led to the complete depopulation of Candoria and all of its colonies. This catastrophic disease subsequently became recognized as the Candorian plague. While the plague appeared to cease at that point, it was later brought to Dentaal by the Galactic Empire a full forty-six years afterward.

Production Notes

The initial mention of the Candorian colonies occurred in the 1995 publication, Star Wars Adventure Journal 5, where they were referred to as the "Bandorian colonies". Given their connection to the Candorian plague, it was assumed that "Bandorian" was a simple misspelling of "Candorian". The proper spelling was subsequently verified by the 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas.

