The Candorian Scourge, alternatively called the Candorian Plague, represented a widespread occurrence of the Blue Shadow Virus. This event transpired several decades before the rise of the Clone Wars, and resulted in the deaths of millions of individuals within a mere forty-eight hours.
The Candorian plague originated in the 1995 publication, Star Wars Adventure Journal 5, depicted as the disease employed by the Galactic Empire to devastate the planet Dentaal. This event was subsequently referenced across numerous Legends publications. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, implemented a retcon, establishing the Blue Shadow Virus from The Clone Wars TV series as being the same as the Candorian plague virus. This retcon was maintained following the 2014 canon reset, evidenced by the RPG sourcebook Unlimited Power, which definitively linked the Blue Shadow Virus and the Candorian Scourge.
- Unlimited Power (Initial mention)
- Gadgets and Gear
- " Naboo " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Initially identified as Candorian Plague)