Cantina Communications is a brief narrative penned by John Chesterman. It initially appeared in publications like Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 16 and The Star Wars Compendium 2: The World of Star Wars, before being archived on Hyperspace.
Within the bustling Mos Eisley cantina, Obi-Wan Kenobi scans the patrons. Simultaneously, Luke Skywalker contemplates the diverse communication methods employed by the various extraterrestrial beings present. He remembers a prior conversation with Obi-Wan, where they debated which species excelled as pilots.
Notably, this piece introduces several alien species making their sole appearance, including the sentient ocean from Solanus, the massive algae formations of the Cygnus B system, Klytonians, a specific type of olfaxes, and an unnamed race of emotionless, multi-eyed insectoids, recognized as the galaxy's finest pilots. On a more terrestrial note, it also references dogs.