The January 1979 release of Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 16 was handled by Paradise Press.
John May took on the role of editor for the first time with this issue, while John Chesterman joined as a contributing editor.
- John May's "Fan Club Facts" provides information on the Official Star Wars Fan Club.
- "Activate Memory Circuits—It's the Star Wars Quiz", crafted by Dr. M. F. Marten, presents a trivia challenge for Star Wars enthusiasts.
- " Cantina Communications ," penned by John Chesterman, offers a scene in which Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker observe the diverse species of aliens in the galaxy and their various communication methods . Several alien species make their sole appearance in this article, including the sentient ocean of Solanus , the massive algae formations of the Cygnus B system , Klytonians , a specific type of olfaxes , and an unnamed species of emotionless, multi-eyed insectoids, regarded as the galaxy's best pilots. More commonly, dogs are also mentioned.
- A poster depicting R2-D2 and C-3PO aboard Tantive IV is included.
The Cantina Communications piece was subsequently republished on the Hyperspace website.
- The Cantina Communications article on Hyperspace (content is no longer current, and a backup link isn't available)
- Access scans at Time Tales' Arcana Historica via (archived from its original location on June 26, 2022)