Doctor Cantryl, a male Human, functioned as a crimeboss on the planet Gandle Ott, situated within the Kathol sector. This occurred during the initial period of the New Republic. He exerted control over a criminal organization and maintained detailed navigational charts pertaining to the sector. During Moff Kentor Sarne's governance of the region, Cantryl deliberately maintained a discreet presence, owing to the Moff's intolerance for criminal enterprises within his jurisdiction.
Cantryl, a Human male who was born sometime between 41 BBY and 32 BBY, ultimately rose to become the crimeboss of Gandle Ott, a planet located in the distant Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. He went by the title of "Doctor" and oversaw an organization of criminals, including smugglers and various thugs. During the period when Moff Kentor Sarne was in power over the sector for the Galactic Empire—and subsequently, as his own personal domain after the collapse of Imperial power following the Battle of Endor—Cantryl intentionally kept a low profile given the Moff's aversion to criminal activities within his territory.
Cantryl's organization's activities resulted in his possession of precise navigation charts of the Kathol sector, which illustrated the key star systems and trade routes. He offered to sell these charts for 5,000 credits. Despite Cantryl's claims that the charts indicated the locations of shadowports and clandestine smuggler routes, this was untrue. In 8 ABY, the New Republic CR90 corvette called FarStar made a stop at Gandle Ott during a mission to locate Sarne. The New Republic had recently ousted the Moff from his capital on Kal'Shebbol, forcing him to escape into the Kathol sector. During his withdrawal, the Moff had purged the navigational data regarding the sector from the planet's memory, leaving the New Republic with incomplete data lacking information beyond Gandle Ott. Cantryl was one of the potential sources considered by the FarStar crew to acquire the necessary information to continue their mission.
Cantryl, a slender man in his forties during 8 ABY, generally preferred to wear white suits. He often smiled, but his smile never quite reached his dark, gleaming eyes. As a businessman, he was generally willing to engage in transactions with most people, provided they had the credits to pay. However, he was not opposed to demanding excessive amounts of money for information that he knew customers greatly desired, although prices were subject to negotiation and could be reduced to a more reasonable amount. Cantryl was also known to misrepresent the contents of the information if he believed it would secure a sale. Cantryl possessed an understanding of bureaucratic operations and was well-versed in activities on Gandle Ott. He had knowledge of security system operation and was trained in the use of a blaster.
Cantryl was referenced in Death Is Remotely Possible, a roleplaying game adventure featured in The DarkStryder Campaign, which was published by West End Games. He was presented as a possible source of astrogation charts that player characters might obtain to progress in their adventure.
Encountering Cantryl is not mandatory in the adventure; the primary goal of the players is to acquire navigational data, and the adventure provides multiple avenues for obtaining it. Cantryl is simply one of several options, and his involvement in the scenario depends on the players' actions.