Carlon Brandes

Carlon Brandes, a male Human, held the rank of corporal within the Royal Naboo Security Forces. His service occurred circa 32 BBY, during the Invasion of Naboo. He shared a last name with Hela Brandes, the Music Advisor who was a member of the Royal Advisory Council during the initial term of Queen Padmé Amidala.

Behind the scenes

The character Brandes initially appeared within the pages of Star Wars Insider magazine, specifically in the 145th issue, in an article entitled Rogues Gallery: Naboo's Finest!. The article was authored by Tim Veekhoven, Kevin Beentjes and Sander de Lange. The surname Brandes was intentionally assigned to the character to create a connection with Hela Brandes, who was a background character featured in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Veekhoven, Beentjes, and de Lange's specific intention was to portray Carlon as Hela's son.

