
Cazzush, a male individual, engaged in criminal activities during the period of the Cold War (Galactic Republic–Sith Empire) between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. This person's gang was responsible for abducting the Twi'lek doctor Prudy from the planet Alderaan. This kidnapping occurred because her ex-fiancé, Archiban Kimble, often called Doc, failed to provide the spice for which the gang had already paid.

Development History

Originally, Cazzush was intended to be featured in the 2011 BioWare video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. He was to appear in "The Best Intentions," a quest involving the Jedi Knight class' companion character, Doc. However, Cazzush was removed from the game prior to its launch. In the original plan, the player would have joined Doc on Alderaan to save Prudy. Although the game's conversation files still include the mission's dialogue, the mission was altered by the time the game was released. In the final version, Doc travels to Alderaan alone, and he also assists Republic Customs in capturing the gang during his visit.

