Cerlin was a textile utilized in the clothing of the Naboo monarchy. When Padmé Amidala was the queen, she sported a traveling gown featuring purple cerlin sleeves, notable for their gentle luster. Apailana, a subsequent queen of Naboo, was seen wearing a capelet of elaborate design, fashioned from metallic silver cerlin, during the funeral for Senator Padmé Amidala.
The in-universe fabric known as "cerlin" has different designations in reality. Trisha Biggar, the costume designer for the prequel trilogy, revealed in Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars that the dark purple traveling dress's sleeves were constructed from a dual-layered shot-silk chiffon satin. Furthermore, the display card for Apailana's attire in the Rebel, Jedi, Princess, Queen: Star Wars and the Power of Costume traveling exhibition, which took place from 2015 to 2018, stated that her cloak was crafted from silk, with its pattern created via a devoré burnout method.