
Chordak, a Rodian who hailed from Rodia, was both the proprietor and pilot of the starship Oo-Ta Goo-Ta. While he primarily operated as an independent merchant, he also engaged in activities such as piracy and slavery, despite not possessing the same penchant for violence that was common among Rodians.


Having been born on Rodia and raised in the traditional Rodian customs of his species, Chordak found himself less inclined toward gratuitous violence than his upbringing might have suggested. After departing his homeworld, Chordak eventually found himself in the Minos Cluster, commanding one of the fastest vessels in the region, the heavily modified CEC YT-1300 light freighter known as the Oo-Ta Goo-Ta.

He frequently engaged in acts of piracy, ambushing fellow tramp freighter captains. Demonstrating exceptional skills in demolition, he would equip his targets with explosives and trail them through hyperspace until they reached a secluded location. At that point, he would detonate the bomb, crippling the ship and leaving its crew stranded.

At one juncture, Chordak crossed paths with Sasnak Toxis, an operative working as a spy for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Their relationship eventually soured, leading them to become adversaries.

Sometime before 2 ABY, Chordak journeyed to Corulag with the intention of selling two dozen slaves to the Mytaranor Slaving Council. He arranged a meeting with Talas Piran, the leader of the Mytaranor. Unfortunately for them, Toxis and his Rebel Alliance officers, Alton Lochner and Derembus Sitnalta, witnessed the transaction. Toxis even recognized one of the slaves as someone he cared for, prompting him to launch a furious attack on the slavers. The skirmish was interrupted by the arrival of the prefect, allowing the Rebels to escape, though not before the slaves had managed to flee. Toxis lamented the missed opportunity to exact revenge on Chordak.

Personality and traits

Chordak's physical characteristics were typical for a Rodian, with the exception of a slightly elongated snout and a darker skin tone. However, his mental makeup set him apart from the average Rodian. While most Rodians readily engaged in killing without hesitation, Chordak possessed a limited appetite for such acts. Nevertheless, despite being more refined than the average Rodian, Chordak had no qualms about resorting to violence when necessary, and he was known for his unwavering resolve.

His personal arsenal included a blaster pistol, four grenades, and the Oo-Ta Goo-Ta. By leveraging the Oo-Ta Goo-Ta's reputation for speed, he aimed to attract the attention of the Galactic Empire and secure more lucrative Imperial assignments, such as transporting diplomats and messengers or undertaking routine prison runs to Gesaril.


Notes and references
