Chuiee Two Thorpe

Chuiee Two Thorpe, hailing from Kissel, served as the padawaan to Mace Windy. Being the offspring of Han Dardell Thorpe and an alumnus of the Intersystems Academy, he chose to remain loyal to his Master even after Windy's dismissal from his Warlord position within the Alliance of Independent Systems.

He went with Windy to the world of Yoshiro on a mission given by the Alliance Chairman.

Behind the scenes

C. J. Thorpe, also known as C. 2. Thorpe, but originally named Chuiee Two Thorpe, held the role of "writer" for the Journal of the Whills in the initial narrative by George Lucas that would eventually evolve into the Star Wars saga.

The name was re-used (with a slight spelling change) for the pilot Chewie, callsign "Devil Two," originating from Aquilae in the preliminary draft. This character met his end during an assault on the space fortress. A similar character named "Boma Two" appeared in the subsequent draft. The character "Chewie" was later removed from later drafts because he was easily confused with Chewbacca, and became a nickname for the Wookiee.


  • Journal of the Whills, Part I
  • The Star Wars rough draft (Initially identified as Chewie)
  • The Star Wars first draft (appearing as Chewie)
  • Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars (appearing as Chewie)
  • Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays
  • " Unknown Origins " — Star Wars Insider 92 (Only a subtle reference)
  • The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film
  • Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition

Notes and references
