A group of Chunkers strolling through their base.
During the Galactic Civil War period, there existed a bunker known as the Chunker Bunker. This bunker was situated on the planet Talus. Functioning as their operational headquarters, it housed the Chunkers, a group of pirate scavenger who conducted their affairs from Talus, one half of the Twin World system. The bunker's location was just to the southwest of Lake Bondoma. A spacer is documented to have visited this bunker in 1 ABY, where they engaged in combat with Chunkers before acquiring a Darksting assassin rifle.
The Chunker Bunker made an appearance as a location within Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game from 2003. Sony Online Entertainment developed this video game, while LucasArts handled its publishing. The game was eventually shut down on December 15, 2011. The Chunker Bunker was integrated into the game via "Publish 1," an update launched on August 3, 2003.