A Senator in the New Republic representing the Hrasskis, was named Cian Marook.
In 11 ABY, he was elected to the New Republic Senate, and by 16 ABY he had become a prominent figure within the Senate. During the Defense Council's deliberations regarding Operation Hammerblow, Marook was the initial Senator to publicly doubt the selection of General Etahn A'baht as the Fifth Battle Group's commanding officer. Marook believed that A'baht was a lesser option than a commander with more established Rebel Alliance connections, due to the Hrasskis philosophy of advancement based on seniority. He also considered A'baht's background with the Dornean Navy to be inadequate because of its comparatively smaller scale in the New Republic Defense Force.
After the deceptive talks between Nil Spaar and Leia Organa Solo, Marook stood alongside two other Senators in backing Spaar's stance, but he chose to remain on Coruscant following the departure of the Viceroy.