Cin Tykan

Cin Tykan, a Kaleesh Jedi Master (of the male persuasion), was considered the Jedi Order's foremost expert in survival. His exceptional skills allowed him to flourish even in the most perilous and life-threatening environments. Throughout the galaxy, Master Tykan dedicated his unique abilities to exploring and studying numerous devastated worlds, seeking and implementing solutions to reverse the catastrophic damage inflicted upon their ecosystems.


A Jedi Master of the Kaleesh species, Cin Tykan honed his Force abilities while journeying across the galaxy, constantly putting his survival expertise to the ultimate test. In accordance with the traditions of his people, Tykan concealed his face behind a mask crafted from the skull of a mumuu. Deeply committed to his calling, Master Tykan waited many years before accepting a Padawan, as he was unwilling to impart his knowledge to anyone who did not share his profound compassion for nature and all living things. He eventually discovered a worthy apprentice in the enthusiastic and sincere Aris Vauranelle during the era known as the Cold War. Together, they embarked on addressing one of the galaxy's most significant ecological challenges: the restoration efforts on the planet Taris. During Vauranelle's training on Taris, Tykan contracted a debilitating disease caused by the plague created by Lord Vivicar. This illness warped his mind, causing him to fall under the influence of the dark side and leading him to commit acts of sabotage against the Republic's restoration initiatives. Despite Captain Nelex and Padawan Vauranelle's disbelief in Tykan's sickness, a young Jedi Consular journeyed from Coruscant with the mission to locate Tykan and, if possible, cure him. The Jedi Consular tracked Tykan and a team of researchers to the ruins of an ancient Jedi academy once utilized by the First WatchCircle during the Mandalorian Wars, discovering Tykan's research team in grave danger. After unearthing valuable Jedi medical holocrons, Tykan's psychosis took hold, and he had lured his colleagues into the ruins, igniting a fire within a pocket of gas leechate. Upon the Consular's arrival, Tykan had already fled, but the holocrons and the workers were safely rescued, revealing Tykan's subsequent target: the Junction.

Arriving at the Junction, a nearby gas purification facility, the Jedi Consular encountered Tykan but was unable to prevent him from rupturing the facility's primary gas line. Initiating an evacuation, the Consular defended the work crews from rakghouls unleashed by Tykan while they worked to reseal the damaged equipment. Having diverted his pursuer, Tykan circled back to the base of the Republic Expeditionary Forces via rakghoul tunnels, launching a surprise assault on Captain Nelex's forces. Kidnapping his Padawan, Tykan fought his way through the base and barricaded himself inside one of the city's last functional super-reactors. Intending to destroy the reactor and release its toxic sludge into the fragile ecosystem, Tykan managed to convince his Padawan of the Republic's complicity in the planet's corruption. When the Jedi Consular finally located him, Vauranelle initially defended him until the Consular convinced her of Master Tykan's affliction. Enraged by what he perceived as betrayal, Tykan attacked his Padawan, but he was swiftly subdued by the Jedi Consular. Following the Consular's performance of a shielding ritual to release him from Vivivar's control, Tykan pledged to confess his shame to the Republic and seek guidance from the Jedi High Council on Tython. Departing Taris with Vauranelle, the pair set course for the Deep Core homeworld of their Order, seeking reflection and rehabilitation.

