Civilized sector

The Civilized sector represented one of the two distinct sectors that comprised New Apsolon. Its residents, known as the Civilized, were the more affluent citizens of New Apsolon. Furthermore, the Civilized sector housed the administrative centers of governance.


For a considerable duration, the denizens of the Civilized sector exerted dominion over the planet. To maintain control over the inhabitants of the Worker sector, they employed their clandestine law enforcement, the Absolutes. In 47 BBY, the Workers initiated an uprising against the Civilized government. The Workers were ultimately victorious, leading to the establishment of a democratic governing body. The energy barrier that had separated the two sectors was subsequently dismantled. Nevertheless, a substantial portion of the Civilized sector's population continued to endorse the Absolutists and the former regime. During Qui-Gon's visit to the city in 41 BBY, he observed a striking disparity between the impoverished Worker sector and the Civilized sector.

