Worker sector

The Worker sector constituted one of the two distinct sectors within New Apsolon. Its residents, known as the Workers, represented the less affluent population of New Apsolon. The majority of structures were constructed inexpensively, utilizing either durasteel or the naturally occurring gray stone. These buildings, constructed without refinement, provided no warmth during the cold winter months. No structure exceeded six stories in height. Prior to its dismantling following the revolution, the sector had been enclosed by a wall of energy.


For a considerable duration, the people residing in the Worker sector experienced oppression at the hands of the Civilized and their clandestine police force, the Absolutes. In 47 BBY, they initiated a rebellion against their oppressors, successfully establishing a democratic governing system on the planet. Memorials, fashioned from illuminated glass, were erected at the specific locations where Workers had been apprehended or met their demise due to the actions of the Absolutes. During his visit to the sector in 41 BBY, Qui-Gon Jinn observed that it exhibited a significantly improved level of cleanliness and upkeep compared to its condition six years prior. However, it remained a sharp contrast to the Civilized sector.

