Classic Star Wars: A New Hope (book-and-tape)

Classic Star Wars: A New Hope is a book and audio cassette tape set, consisting of 24 pages, that adapts Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. It was made available in November of 1994. The audio and text are identical to those found in the earlier 1979 book-and-record adaptation. The narrator of the cassette tape is uncredited, as no credits were included with the book-and-tape package.

Publisher's summary

This thrilling adventure kicks off when Luke Skywalker, a young man, is unexpectedly drawn from his peaceful life into an interstellar conflict! Alongside the lovely Princess Leia, the rogue Han Solo, and the enigmatic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke confronts the formidable Death Star in this action-packed Star Wars story.


A New Hope Read-Along

Walt Disney Records put out a different book-and-tape adaptation in 1997, which incorporated content from the Special Edition version of A New Hope.



  • ISBN 9781570421532 ; November, 1994; TW Kids; Paperback accompanied by a Cassette tape; [2]

Notes and references

  • Star Wars Adventures, with Book and Toy on (backup link)
  • 1994 Classic Star Wars A New Hope Read-Along Story Book and Cassette on the Star Wars Radio YouTube channel (backup link)
