
Clodhoppers originated from Naboo and are remembered as unintelligent, flightless avians with an omnivorous diet. These creatures, seldom exceeding three feet in height, were known to gather in large groups while feeding, posing a significant nuisance. Their bodies were shielded by a robust and resilient hide. One remarkable characteristic of the clodhopper was its rapid reproductive rate, capable of producing up to 200 offspring within a mere two days, with the majority of their time devoted to consuming food. These quickly reproducing, unintelligent, and extremely hungry herbivores utilized their strong front limbs for both foraging and hopping.

A preferred food source for clodhoppers was the Tooke-trap plant.

On their native world of Naboo, clodhoppers faced natural predators such as narglatches of all ages. Even the Gungans occasionally hunted them for their meat, considered a palatable snack, and their durable skin, which was used to craft musical instruments. However, several centuries prior to the Battle of Naboo, these flightless birds were introduced to other planets, resulting in catastrophic consequences for entire ecosystems. Consequently, their exportation has been strictly prohibited, with violations punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

The colony on Corva, situated within the Galaanus system, was completely destroyed by clodhoppers that had been inadvertently transported with grain shipments from Naboo. As a result, numerous worlds implemented stringent regulations and inspection protocols on agricultural imports from Naboo. Some of these worlds even cynically supported the Trade Federation blockade in 32 BBY, primarily to avoid the financial burden of conducting thorough inspections.

In 32 BBY, the Army of Life successfully concealed clodhopper eggs inside sealed containers and transported them to Stend IV aboard the Majestic Gundark.

A Tarnab diplomat from the New Republic kept a clodhopper as a personal pet.

Behind the scenes

In the Secrets of Naboo roleplaying game supplement, clodhoppers are mistakenly described as insects.

The term "Clodhopper" can also refer to either an uncouth, clumsy individual or a bulky, heavy shoe.

