Chapter 21 (Star Wars: Clone Wars)

"Chapter 21", the initial episode of Season Three and Volume Two, marks the twenty-first installment in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series. This episode was originally broadcast on Cartoon Network on March 21, 2005.

Plot summary

A modified Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry rushes across Hypori's surface. Inside this gunship, a team of Advanced Recon Commandos ready their weapons for an impending assault. A jamming signal is active, preventing their detection by a surrounding force of B2 super battle droids near the wreckage of a crashed Acclamator-class assault ship. The gunship deploys a group of armed thermal detonators amidst the droids, set to trigger.

Grievous attacking the clones.

The soldiers exit the craft, with their leader, Captain Fordo, identifying three life signs. Two ARC troopers pursue the closest two signatures, while the rest accompany Fordo to the third; the transport ascends to provide covering fire against the advancing battle droids. Upon emerging from a tunnel, the troopers encounter General Grievous, engaged in a fierce lightsaber battle with Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Just as Grievous disarms Mundi and prepares to deliver the final blow, they both become aware of the clones, who unleash a volley of blaster fire at the cyborg. Grievous evades the attack, scaling the wall and positioning himself on the ceiling. Grievous then jumps down and swiftly kills four troopers using two lightsabers, prompting the commander to call for reinforcements. The LAAT/i enters the area and fires its blasters and missiles at Grievous, who dodges them.

Grievous claiming K'Kruhk's lightsaber.

Fordo instructs his troops to retreat, despite Ki-Adi-Mundi's initial desire to pursue Grievous. Aayla Secura and Shaak Ti, two Jedi who survived Grievous's attack, are recovering on the LAAT/i. Meanwhile, Grievous retrieves a lightsaber from the seemingly deceased K'Kruhk and adds it to his collection.

The ARC troopers detonate the explosives, obliterating hundreds of droids. Grievous observes the transport as it heads into space, contemplating that they have merely delayed their inevitable defeat…

On Coruscant, Yoda experiences a vision involving a nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker and the deceased Qui-Gon Jinn on Dagobah. Qui-Gon advises Skywalker to confront his fears by entering the Dark Side Cave, and to place his trust in the Force.

During a meeting of the Jedi High Council, Ki-Adi-Mundi informs his fellow members about the defeat on Hypori. Given the stretched resources of the Jedi, the Council decides to elevate Anakin Skywalker to the rank of Jedi Knight at Obi-Wan Kenobi's suggestion, despite objections from Master Oppo Rancisis.

Skywalker walks through the crowded lower levels of Coruscant, viewing the people around him with suspicion. Believing a hooded figure is following him, he runs away. At the entrance of an alley, he stops the mysterious person and activates his lightsaber, only to realize it is his wife, Padmé Amidala. They kiss, and after thinking they have been spotted by a passerby, Skywalker complains about having to conceal their relationship. Amidala reminds him of his obligations to the Jedi Order and assures him of her lasting love. He jokes that Amidala looks good in the dark, and they kiss again, only to be interrupted by C-3PO, now sporting brand-new, gold plating. Skywalker expresses his admiration; most impressed.

Skywalker is summoned to the Jedi Temple by Kenobi, but his tardiness makes him think it will be a scolding. Kenobi reminds his Padawan that he is no longer a child, but must still obey orders. Skywalker responds that Kenobi is "no Qui-Gon Jinn," which visibly upsets Kenobi, causing Skywalker to immediately apologize for his hurtful remark. Master Kenobi forgives his student, admitting that he also misses Qui-Gon, and then leads him to a darkened room where Kenobi and the other Jedi Masters surround Skywalker and activate their lightsabers.

Yoda knights Skywalker, severing his Padawan braid, which C-3PO later presents to Amidala, who treasures it alongside her Japor snippet for safekeeping. In return, Amidala gifts R2-D2 to Skywalker, with the droid displaying a hologram recording of Amidala presenting the gift and accepting his own acceptance. Skywalker smiles at the sight and reaches into the hologram with his mechno-arm as if to hold her in his hand. He and R2-D2 then board his Actis-class starfighter and depart once more to fight together in the Clone Wars


