Chapter 24," the episode titled "Chapter 24," represents the twenty-fourth installment of the animated television program Star Wars: Clone Wars. It also signifies the fourth episode within Season Three and Volume Two. This particular episode was initially broadcasted on Cartoon Network on March 24, 2005.

As Grievous attempts to seize the Supreme Chancellor, who voices his displeasure at the intrusion, Shaak Ti employs the Force to wrench him away. While the Jedi and the Chancellor attempt their escape, Grievous swiftly dispatches the Senate Guard and clone troopers positioned to impede him. As the Jedi wait for the elevator, the sounds of battle abruptly cease from Palpatine's quarters, and Grievous bursts through the door. Grievous manages to dodge their Force-based attacks, but a Force-assisted shockwave generated by Roron Corobb's multiple throats causes the ceiling to collapse, halting the General's forward movement. Shaak Ti informs the Supreme Chancellor that Corobb possesses four throats, which are exceptionally powerful. The Supreme Chancellor, removing ringing from his ear, responds with a sarcastic, "So I've heard."
As the elevator descends, Grievous materializes, running along the building's exterior alongside the elevator car. A clone trooper launches a missile at him, and when the smoke dissipates, he has vanished. At ground level, a legion of super battle droids awaits, and as Grievous lands before them, the droids begin their advance. Corobb's sonic blast obliterates the majority of them, but Grievous utilizes the claws on his feet to maintain his grip, slowly advancing toward them. Foul Moudama carries Palpatine and the other two Jedi run alongside the troopers. Shaak Ti instructs the troopers to request reinforcements, but their communications are blocked. Suddenly, two IG-100 MagnaGuards appear in their path. The Jedi and Palpatine successfully avoid their electrostaffs, but the clone troopers are struck down to their deaths.

On Nelvaan, Anakin Skywalker follows the wind and the frozen rivers to a cave situated far from the village. Inside, he navigates around several hazardous steam vents before stumbling upon a wall adorned with ancient Nelvaanian pictographs. As the concentration of gas fumes within the cave increases, Skywalker experiences a vision, observing the pictograms in motion. Unbeknownst to him, he is witnessing a glimpse into his future. The vision depicts the Nelvaanians engaged in their daily routines, until a sinister threat assails them. A hero rises to defend them, but his arm is replaced by darkness. Initially, the hero employs his newfound powerful arm to safeguard the villagers from all dangers, but eventually his arm and abilities spiral out of control, leading to the destruction of the villagers and transforming the hero into a visage resembling the future helmet of Darth Vader. As Skywalker collapses, he hears Padmé Amidala calling out his name. Upon regaining consciousness, he discovers a machine identified as a Siphon generator, which is actively extracting the planet's geothermal energy.
The Jedi protecting Palpatine jump across platforms throughout Coruscant, pursued closely by the two MagnaGuards. They leap onto a floating barge, but are soon joined by four MagnaGuards and Grievous himself, who deactivates the barge's repulsorlift generators. The Jedi escape into a subway station, leaping over trains and narrowly avoiding death as they battle the MagnaGuards on the tracks. Shaak Ti ultimately succeeds in destroying two of the droids, and Corobb eliminates another. As Grievous appears and corners the Jedi within a tunnel, Shaak Ti employs the Force to entangle his cape around a pipe on a train carriage. She activates the train, and Grievous is dragged down one of the tunnels. The Jedi shatter a nearby window and make their escape.

Evading the patrolling battle droids, Skywalker infiltrates the complex, where he overhears two Techno Union scientists discussing specimens intended for their "project." Skywalker discovers tanks containing horribly mutated Nelvaan warriors, enhanced with cybernetic implants and weaponry. He observes as the latest Nelvaanian captive is submerged in a mutagen for processing. The Techno Union scientists hastily release the "specimens" as Skywalker rushes in and destroys the battle droids. Skywalker attempts to reason with the advancing creatures, asserting his intention to assist them, but they slowly raise their weapons, roaring in anger.
According to insights from the DVD commentary, Genndy Tartakovsky, the director, expressed a desire for the brief scene depicting Grievous eliminating the remaining clone troopers behind the closed door in Palpatine's office to convey extreme violence. Consequently, he instructed the sound designers to ensure that "everything" was audible, jokingly suggesting the inclusion of a buzzsaw sound. To his surprise, a buzzsaw sound effect was subsequently incorporated into the scene. The question of whether Grievous actually wields a buzzsaw weapon is left to the audience's interpretation.
Anakin's vision within the Nelvaan cave serves as a direct foreshadowing of the events that transpire in Revenge of the Sith.
The Wilhelm scream is audible during this episode when one of Grievous's bodyguards eliminates a clone trooper.
In one instance, upon Anakin's entry into the cave, his facial scar is absent.