Foul Moudama

Foul Moudama, a male Talz hailing from Alzoc III, dedicated himself to the service of the Jedi Order. He achieved the rank of Jedi Master during the concluding years of the Galactic Republic.


Life as Jedi

Born on the remote and uncharted world of Alzoc III, young Foul Moudama was identified as being Force-sensitive shortly after his birth. Subsequently, he was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, becoming one of the few members of his species to ever venture beyond his enigmatic homeworld during that time. Despite the limited knowledge regarding his species and culture, even within the Temple's vast archives, Moudama successfully adapted to life on Coruscant. After years of rigorous training, he progressed through the Temple academy. Chosen by a Jedi Master to become their [Padawan](/article/padawan-legends], Moudama tirelessly pursued knowledge and grew in strength within the Force. He constructed his own blue-bladed lightsaber and, upon completing his Trials of Knighthood, emerged as a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

As a Knight, Moudama continued independent study, refining his lightsaber skills. His considerable size belied his agility and speed, often surprising opponents. A staunch believer in the Living Force, Moudama's calm demeanor earned him the respect of his close colleagues, although he wasn't widely known within the Order, even among members of the Jedi High Council. During the rising Separatist Crisis between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Moudama was active when the Clone Wars ignited across the galaxy. He reported to Coruscant and was granted the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, leading numerous battles as a Jedi Master.

Confronting Grevious

Jedi Moudama carries Chancellor Palpatine while fleeing General Grievous.

As the war neared its conclusion, Moudama was stationed at the Coruscant Temple when General Grievous launched a surprise assault upon the Republic's capital. Acting on the orders of Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Moudama, alongside fellow Knights Roron Corobb, B'ink Utrila, and Roth-Del Masona, headed to the bunker intended to shelter Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the attack. Upon arrival, they met Masters Shaak Ti and Stass Allie, who had previously been responsible for the Chancellor's safety. Under Ti's direction, the four Knights escorted the Chancellor and his Red Guardsmen into the bunker, while Ti and Allie remained to defend the entrance. While Ti and Allie were preoccupied, Grievous led a squad of MagnaGuards into the bunker and ambushed Moudama and his comrades. The MagnaGuards swiftly eliminated the Red Guards, prompting the four Jedi to engage the cyborg General in lightsaber combat. After toying with them briefly, Grievous decapitated Jedi Masona before striking down Jedi Corobb, leaving only Moudama and Utrila. Moudama bravely charged the General, but lost his lightsaber-wielding arm and then his left leg before being disemboweled. Utrila perished soon after, and Grievous successfully abducted the Chancellor.


Grievous claimed all the Jedi's lightsabers before his departure. Master Allie discovered the bodies shortly after their deaths, noting the absence of their lightsabers.

Powers and abilities

Jedi Foul Moudama was a wise and powerful individual, possessing enhanced eyesight thanks to his unique dual set of eyes. He was a skilled swordsman, respected for his fluid lightsaber techniques, and possessed considerable strength, enabling him to carry Chancellor Palpatine in one arm while simultaneously defending against MagnaGuards and Grievous with the other.

Behind the scenes

Foul being struck down by Grievous in the animated cartoon.

The creation of Foul Moudama was a direct result of a poll conducted by The poll asked viewers to choose between Moudama, Roron Corobb, and Voolvif Monn for inclusion in Clone Wars. Although Voolvif Monn won the poll, all three characters were eventually created. However, Moudama's appearance caused some debate since his species, the Talz, had previously been established as undiscovered by the galactic community until the era of the Galactic Empire. To address this, Moudama's entry in the Databank clarified that his origins were shrouded in mystery, and his true home was unknown to most.

His name, inspired by Foul Moudamas (with variations in spelling), a Middle-Eastern fava bean dish, according to the Clone Wars DVD commentary, is absent from the novel Labyrinth of Evil, though it has been later established that he does appear in this novel. His death in the novel is consistent with the description in this article. However, Star Wars: Clone Wars presents a different version of the confrontation between Moudama and Grievous. Instead of retreating into the bunker with Jedi Utrila and Masona, Moudama stands alongside Corobb and Master Shaak Ti, carrying the Chancellor. After a pursuit to the bunker and a duel with the cyborg, Moudama is killed alongside his Ithorian counterpart.

An action figure of Foul Moudama was released as part of the 2006 Hasbro Saga Collection. It was a repaint of the POTF2 Muftak figure, modified with a Jedi tunic and boots, and a slightly altered paint scheme.

