Combat chamber

Combat Chamber-TIE Fighter Combat chamber exterior The combat chamber, a holosimulator, served as a training ground for Imperial starfighter pilots aboard numerous Star Destroyers. It presented them with diverse missions, including both speculative scenarios and recreations of significant events from the Empire's history.

Upon entering the chamber, pilots were first able to select the starship they wanted to control, and then the mission they wished to undertake. The device would then enclose the pilot and give them a thorough briefing on the mission. An Imperial briefing officer would then answer any questions the pilot had. If a pilot successfully completed two out of the four missions associated with a particular starship, they were awarded a bronze combat medallion representing that starship. Completing a third mission earned them a silver medallion, and finishing all four missions resulted in a gold medallion.

Furthermore, pilots had the option to relive past tours of duty missions, which included answering questions posed by a Priest of the Secret Order of the Emperor.

Behind the scenes

The 1994 PC game Star Wars: TIE Fighter featured the combat chamber as a game mode. It functioned similarly to the "Historical Combat Missions" found in Star Wars: X-Wing.

