This is a side schematic of the Borg Construct Aj^6, and it highlights the placement of its communications transceiver.
A communication transceiver, also known as a communications transceiver, was a piece of equipment that enabled communication over great distances or through physical obstructions like walls or water.
The Confederate Navy's droid tri-fighters utilized sophisticated communication transceivers which, in conjunction with the craft's powerful energy source, gave it a considerable operational range for an autonomous starfighter lacking a hyperdrive.
Within the city of Pavillion on Iskalon, the inner walls were equipped with communication transceivers. These were positioned at consistent intervals, approximately a few yards apart, facilitating communication between Iskalonians in the surrounding waters and "air-breathers" located within the self-sustaining underwater habitat. During his visit to Pavillion, Lando Calrissian used this method to converse with Primor.
Escape pods came equipped with communication transceivers of limited capability, designed to scan for any signals broadcast on standard frequencies.
Cybernetic entities, for example the Borg Construct Aj^6 manufactured by BioTech Industries', possessed communication transceivers built directly into their headbands.