Composite Beam Superlaser

The Composite Beam Superlaser represented a certain class of superlaser.


This superlaser discharged potent proton beams. These beams possessed the capability to obliterate the central core of a planet's structure, thereby transforming the targeted world into an uninhabitable sphere. To initiate firing, the weapon necessitated the manual repositioning of the dish from its secured location on the Death Star, achieved through a mechanical arm situated at the dish's rear.

The Concave Dish Composite Beam Superlaser represented a more potent iteration of this devastating weapon and was the actual design implemented for the Death Star I's primary armament.


The Composite Beam Superlaser was considered as a potential armament for the Death Star I, which was still under development. It served as a contingency plan in the event that the Concave Dish Composite Beam Superlaser, which was experiencing technical challenges during its developmental phase, proved to be unfeasible. Its planned location was in proximity to the south pole. Nevertheless, following the successful resolution of the technical issues associated with the Concave Dish version by its engineering team, the plans for the Composite Beam Superlaser were abandoned.

