
Conflagrine-14 constituted a highly combustible gel substance utilized within the D-93 Incinerator flamethrowers employed by flametrooper units of the First Order.

This substance was delivered via a pair of fuel reservoirs situated on the flametrooper's back-mounted pack, further augmented by a centrally positioned, pressurized propellant container. Upon electrical ignition, the gel was propelled by an independent propellant gas, achieving a range extending to 75 meters.


  • The Visual Dictionary for Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Initial mention)
  • An Updated and Expanded Star Wars Character Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 43 (Helmets: Flametrooper)
  • Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
  • Star Wars Day-at-a-Time Calendar 2020
  • " Blasters and Ranged Weapons " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy
  • D-93 Incinerator Flamethrower entry in the Databank (backup link)

Notes and references
