Contest on Sojourn

The Sojourn confrontation took place on the planet Sojourn in 67 BBY. This was the world where Hego Damask, the Muun Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, had taken up residence after holding the Gathering there. Following his hosting of the event, his Sun Guards reported a breach of the building's security. Plagueis instantly detected a Force-sensitive individual, initially believing them to be a Jedi. He encountered the source of the disturbance in the forests: a Bith wielding a Sith lightsaber. He initially mistook the Bith for his former Master, Darth Tenebrous, before concluding that the Bith was Tenebrous's creation, a result of Bith scientific experimentation. The Bith revealed himself as Darth Venamis, declaring that Plagueis' death would validate his claim to the title of Darth.

The duel

The battle was intense, but brief. Venamis had been taught the same fighting techniques that Plagueis employed by Tenebrous, making it initially difficult for the Muun to land a blow. However, Plagueis eventually managed to disarm Venamis, holding both his own and Venamis's lightsaber to the Bith's throat, compelling him to yield. Venamis then chose to become Plagueis' apprentice, although the Muun compelled the Bith to ingest a poison derived from a local plant root. This induced a comatose state in Venamis, enabling Plagueis to conduct experiments on him with the assistance of the droid 11-4D.

