Corellian Hegemony

The Corellian Hegemony. The Corellian Hegemony consisted of a collection of star systems within the Galactic Republic. These systems, alongside Corellia, chose not to participate in the Alsakan Conflicts, opting to remain neutral between Coruscant and Alsakan.

Spanning from the Core Worlds to the Expansion Region, the Corellian Hegemony encompassed a significant portion, one-fourth, of the Republic. It was positioned in the vicinity of, and between, the Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine. This region was further segmented into the Trailing Sectors and the 77 Sectors. Among the planets and systems included in the Corellian Hegemony were Corellia, Belazura, Devaron, Foless, Yag'Dhul, Harrin, Wroona, Chardaan, Tynna, and Allanteen VI.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
