Corellian HoverFreighter

The Corellian HoverFreighter was a type of repulsorcraft employed by Wookiees for the transport of items, like nova crystals, between various spaceports.


These Corellian HoverFreighters were constructed at spaceports, with an assembly cost of 75 carbon units. Being repulsorcrafts, the HoverFreighters floated above the ground and were even capable of moving across water surfaces. Their color scheme was grey, and they featured painted stripes to denote their allegiance. These vehicles possessed a rectangular design, including strips hanging below the main body that supported orange containers filled with nova crystals.


The primary function of Corellian HoverFreighters involved the exchange of goods between spaceports, often transporting nova crystals during return trips.


Corellian HoverFreighters saw use in 39 BBY and 36 BBY during the war for the moon of Alaris Prime. This conflict involved Wookiee colonists and the Trade Federation. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, serving as an advisor to the Wookiees, instructed Chewbacca to manufacture Corellian HoverFreighters at his camp to facilitate trade between Chewbacca and Shoran, another Wookiee.

Behind the scenes

The Corellian HoverFreighter first appeared in the 2001 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, where it served as the Wookiee equivalent of a cargo hovercraft unit.

