Coruscani Pilot Institute

The Coruscani Pilot Institute, often shortened to CPI, was an academy situated on the planet of Coruscant, and its primary function was the education of aspiring space pilots.

CPI consisted of a three-year program that prepared students for a year of study within the Imperial Academy system. The most promising cadets, at least from each year, advanced to the specialized TIE pilot training program on Carida. The Institute's reputation was such that it drew recruits from even the distant Outer Rim, and it frequently educated the offspring of well-known military figures.

During the initial phases of the Galactic Civil War, Mogurk held the position of commandant at the CPI. Shira Brie and Myrette Davani were students there from 3.5 BBY to 0.5 ABY, ultimately graduating as the top two students in their graduating class, in that order.


  • "Carida: Heavy Duty" on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Notes and references
