The Coruscant Weather Control Network, otherwise known as the Coruscant WeatherNet, held the duty of managing and dictating the diverse weather patterns found on Coruscant. As a result of an incident involving the accidental release and airborne spread of a waste container's contents, the WeatherNet ceased all wind activity for the duration of that particular day.
The Coruscanti climate was under the WeatherNet's control, even to the point of dictating when the seasons would occur. As an example, the planet's Wildlife Commission once requested that summer be initiated sooner than scheduled. This was done in an attempt to lengthen the mating period of the indigenous hawk-bat and thereby boost the overall species numbers.
A significant portion of the WeatherNet's physical components were destroyed during the Yuuzhan Vong War, although it is quite likely that reconstruction occurred in the subsequent decades.
According to Coruscant and the Core Worlds, one of the directives for the WeatherNet includes the statement: "The rain may never fall until after sundown, and by eight the morning fog must disappear," further explaining that "the government said that's how conditions are on Coruscant." These phrases are either direct quotes or reworded lyrics taken from the title track of the musical production Camelot.