
Corwyth was a male Human who governed the planet of Metalorn as the Imperial Governor during 0 ABY. His governance was defined by strict social regimentation and complete informational control, which resulted in Metalorn's inhabitants being unaware of the Rebellion's existence. However, Leia Organa, a Rebel leader, embarked on a mission to Metalorn shortly after the Battle of Yavin to try and establish a local resistance. Though ultimately unsuccessful in that goal, she did manage to weaken Corwyth's control over the planet.


During the Galactic Civil War, Corwyth, a male Human, held the position of Imperial Governor on the Mid Rim factory world of Metalorn. Under Corwyth's leadership, life on Metalorn was structured with a high degree of regimentation and control. To achieve his goal of complete societal control, Corwyth collaborated with the Tagge Company to implement a planet-wide weapons detection system, which, combined with his information control program and pervasive surveillance, ensured the absence of the Rebellion in any form on Metalorn. Through his widespread disinformation campaign, Corwyth convinced the populace of several falsehoods, including the claim that the destruction of Alderaan was caused by a meteor storm.

Corwyth confronts Orman Tagge after Leia Organa's escape from Metalorn.

In 0 ABY, events took an interesting turn when Baron Orman Tagge, the head of the Tagge Company, honored Corwyth with a visit. However, Tagge's arrival coincided with the arrival of Leia Organa, a Rebel leader who sought to establish an Alliance presence on Metalorn. Upon her arrival, Organa managed to subdue a stormtrooper and seize his blaster rifle, triggering Tagge's weapons detection system. Anxious to maintain his reputation in front of the Baron, Corwyth dispatched numerous troops to pursue Organa, intending to utilize the tracking beacon within the rifle to monitor her movements. As the pursuit led into an underground ore smelting facility, Tagge discreetly left the room while Corwyth focused on directing the hunt for the Rebel agent. To the surprise of Corwyth's troopers, they discovered that Organa had discarded the weapon, successfully evading them.

While Corwyth's search was unsuccessful, Tagge managed to locate Organa himself, learning that her plan involved contacting Arn Horada, a local worker who had taught her galactic history during her childhood on Alderaan. Largely due to Horada's assistance, Organa narrowly escaped Metalorn, although she failed to establish any organized resistance. Corwyth was enraged to learn that Organa had eluded him, and although he initially intended to execute Horada, Tagge advised against it, arguing that any retaliation would imply the existence of a Rebellion. Tagge departed, leaving Corwyth humiliated and chastened, while Organa left Metalorn having, at the very least, sown the seeds of resistance on the planet.

Personality and traits

Corwyth's foremost priority as governor was maintaining strict control over Metalorn's society, and he was extremely confident in his success. The mustachioed man dismissed the possibility of Rebel spies achieving anything on his world, as his use of surveillance technology and social control had suppressed any hope of rebellion until 0 ABY. However, Leia Organa demonstrated that Corwyth's system was not infallible, which angered and humiliated him, driving him to intensify his efforts to track her down. Corwyth was prepared to resort to violence to maintain his control over the planet, only to be visibly humiliated by Orman Tagge's rejection of his philosophy and practices.

Behind the scenes

Corwyth's first appearance was in Star Wars (1977) 30, written by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Carmine Infantino, released in 1979.

