Crondre, a diminutive and icy world, was situated within the Dufilvian sector found in the Mid Rim. Its terrain was primarily composed of frozen glaciers.
Many generations prior to the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, this planet was settled. The inhabitants deeply valued a tranquil way of life, until the Empire forcefully seized control not long before the destruction of the first Death Star. The sustained conflict inflicted substantial damage upon the world.
The New Republic utilized the planet as a repository for medical provisions, specifically designed to rapidly freeze perishable supplies. This storage complex was nestled inside a carved-out glacier, bearing resemblance to Echo Base on Hoth. A collection of Fabritech shield generators offered protection against assaults, along with a v-150 Planet Defender ion cannon. A Golan II space station provided orbital defense for the world from orbit.
Crondre served as the location for a deceptive attack launched by Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces. His true objective was Ukio, during his campaign against the New Republic.
In the PC game Star Wars: Rebellion, Crondre is erroneously placed within the Jospro sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Furthermore, Rebellion's encyclopedia entry for Crondre describes the planet as having lost its beauty due to the ravages of the Galactic Civil War. This appears to contradict the depiction of it as an icy world in the novel The Last Command.