Crying Dawn Singer

Crying Dawn Singer, renowned across the galaxy, was a celebrated vocalist who entertained countless individuals throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.


Identifiable due to a vibrant red marking on his pectoral region, Crying Dawn Singer's professional affairs were overseen by Katykam, a Wookiee. All monetary gains derived from his musical performances were remitted to his native planet, Crytal Nest, for the betterment of the Shashay people. During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the vocalist was abducted on Najarka through the actions of Nak and Braig Farool. The Farool siblings aimed to disrupt the cooperative relationship between the Rebellion and the Shashay, by falsely attributing the abduction to the Rebel Alliance. Ultimately, Singer was liberated from the world of Narg by operatives of the Alliance.

Personality and traits

In contrast to the majority of his kind, Crying Dawn Singer possessed an independent nature and diverged from the conventional behaviors associated with the Shashay.

