The Crystal was a significantly altered Z-95 Headhunter. Jaina Solo was both the owner and the pilot of this craft.
Among the alterations made to the Crystal were a strengthened outer shell, a high-performance hyperdrive alongside improved propulsion mechanisms, and supplies sufficient for week-long solo missions.
Han Solo, Jaina's father, presented the Crystal to her as a graduation present from Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum.
On Jaina's maiden voyage in the Crystal, she faced an assault from a deranged cyborg. This cyborg, for unknown reasons, mistook her vintage starfighter for a cutting-edge experimental model. Following an intense aerial battle, Jaina successfully destroyed the cyborg's X-wing.
Information regarding the Crystal is presented with contradictions within its source material. The narrative describes the fighter as equipped with four laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, and a Class 2 hyperdrive. Conversely, the associated stat block indicates the fighter has two triple blasters, a concussion missile launcher, and a Class 1 hyperdrive. Furthermore, the provided artwork only displays a single pair of cannons on the wingtips. The depiction of straight wings and four engine nacelles conflicts with the text's implication of "fixed-position double wings" and a solitary "port maneuvering jet".