The CSA-Trianii War represented a significant conflict over territory between the Corporate Sector Authority and the Trianii Colonies. This war commenced in 2 BBY and continued for a minimum of three years, concluding by 1 ABY.
The Corporate Sector Authority (CSA) asserted ownership over a series of star systems. This claim was based on their corporate charter agreement with the Galactic Empire, which purportedly granted them these territories. However, these systems had been previously inhabited and controlled by Trianii settlers.
The CSA-Trianii War unfolded across the chain of systems that the Corporate Sector Authority had claimed as their own. The CSA believed that the Trianii colonies were planning to resist the seizure of their territory and make it a difficult process. Eventually, an armistice was reached following seven months of complex negotiations involving both sides of the conflict. Halbreck Dodd served as one of the CSA's negotiators, while Ceenda Bekkar was the primary negotiator representing the Trianii.