Trianii Space

Trianii Space denoted the area of Wild Space where the Trianii lived, positioned close to the Corporate Sector. Within its boundaries lay Trian itself, together with Brochiib, Ekibo, Fibuli, [Pypin], collectively known as the Trianii Colonies.


This zone, the Trianii Space, was a somewhat isolated location within Wild Space. It was situated rimward of the Aparo and Farana sectors, nestled between the Corporate Sector and the Unknown Regions. Furthermore, it was in proximity to Kobothi Space.


The Trianii's homeworld, Trian, and their colonies were located in Trianii Space. The region was a rival of the Corporate Sector in that part of space. Although the Corporate Sector Authority proposed annexation, the Trianii consistently declined. The CSA then tried to forcefully subjugate several Trianii colonies, but the Trianii Rangers resisted.

By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Trianii Space had evolved into a freestanding subsector within the Galactic Empire. This suggests that before the Imperial period, this distant area was either poorly surveyed or inadequately documented, only gaining recognition as a potential sector by the Empire. Nevertheless, upon incorporation into Imperial Space, the region did not receive formal sector status and lacked representation in the Imperial Senate for the time being.

In 7 ABY, the warlord Zsinj annexed the region, and it remained part of his territory until his death in 8 ABY.

