Farana (region)

Farana Space, also called Farana, was a spatial region situated within the Wild Space area of the Tingel Arm, located rimward relative to the Corporate Sector.


This remote area, known as Farana, was found in Wild Space, positioned rimward of both Trianii Space and the Morellian Commonwealth. It resided geographically between the Corporate Sector and the Unknown Regions. For a considerable duration, this region maintained its independence from galactic governing bodies, while simultaneously fostering broad connections with the wider galaxy through channels of trade and population movement.


The Ocsin held dominion over Farana, a Wild Space territory, which derived its name from Farana, their homeworld. The sector also encompassed several Ocsin colonial settlements.

By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Farana Space had evolved into a freestanding subsector within the Galactic Empire. This implied that this distant locale had not been adequately explored or documented prior to the Imperial period, and the Empire merely acknowledged its potential as a sector. Nevertheless, upon its incorporation into Imperial Space, the region was not granted formal sector status, and it lacked representation in the Imperial Senate during that era.

In 7 ABY, the warlord Zsinj annexed the region, and it remained within his territory until his death in 8 ABY.

During 16 ABY, Luke Skywalker encountered the Star Morning and spent time in the company of its inhabitants, the Fallanassi.

