The Ocsin, alternatively known as the Ocsinin, were a near-Human species characterized by their white skin and black, pupilless eyes. Their origins hailed from the Wild Space world of Farana. It is thought that they descended from the Human Tionese culture of the Tion Cluster. The Ocsin first encountered the Galactic Republic sometime before 4500 BBY. Among the members of this species were merchants and explorers. They also founded at least several dozen colonies in the vicinity of Farana, including the worlds Ocsin and Saclas. Cene Gilvent, a female Ocsin, was raised on Saclas before venturing off-world and becoming a founding member of the Zulirian Swordmasters, a group of melee weapon enthusiasts.
Referred to also as the Ocsinin, the Ocsin were a sentient near-Human species. Notably, most Ocsin exhibited strikingly white skin and black eyes devoid of pupils. Cene Gilvent, an Ocsin individual, possessed long yellow hair and a physique that was considered large for an Ocsin but relatively slender in comparison to humanoids in general.
The Ocsin's origins hailed from the misty Wild Space planet Farana. They were believed to have their roots in the Human Tionese culture, which itself originated from sleeper ship missions that colonized the Outer Rim Territories' Tion Cluster circa 27,000 BBY. Prior to 4500 BBY, scouts from the Human-dominated Galactic Republic arrived in the vicinity of Farana and initiated first contact with the Ocsin. Farana was never integrated into the Republic or its successor, the Galactic Empire.
The Ocsin species produced skilled merchants and daring explorers. Over time, Ocsin scouts amassed a significant amount of navigational data about Wild Space. They established numerous colonies Rimward of Farana, the space region containing their homeworld. They also settled the stormy, bleak world of Ocsin and the desolate planet Saclas, both located in the Outer Rim. The minor farming planet Fether, situated near Ocsin, also had a notable Ocsin population.

Some years before the Battle of Yavin, the Corporate Sector Authority, the Galactic Empire-aligned entity administering the Corporate Sector near Farana, annexed Ocsin. Saclas eventually came under the jurisdiction of the sector as well, positioned near the border with the Wyl sector. During this period, Ocsin traders could be found at Issagra Station within the Corporate Sector's Issagra system, as well as on Saclas, which they frequented while traveling the Solenbaran Merchant Route hyperlane to reach Imperial-controlled space. Furthermore, Ocsin spacers cautioned against traveling to the Mytus system beyond Farana due to the Corporate Sector Authority's secret prison facility located there.
Cene Gilvent, a female Ocsin, was raised on Saclas. In her late teens, she earned enough credits harvesting gelatinous pet slimes to afford passage to the Mid Rim. Subsequently, she was employed by the Zuliria Museum of Antiquities on the Mid Rim world Zuliria and eventually became a founding member of the Zulirian Swordmasters, a group of melee weapon enthusiasts who challenged and attacked individuals throughout the galaxy deemed worthy opponents. After Gilvent attacked a Rebel Alliance soldier on Fislan, a planet in the Outer Rim's Mortex sector, around 2 ABY, Major Bren Derlin submitted a Task Force on Alliance Security SecuriDex datafile about the Ocsin swordmaster. However, the document mistakenly identified Gilvent's species as Human.
The Ocsin were originally introduced as the Ocsinin in Alliance Intelligence Reports, a 1995 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. Matt Busch provided the illustration of Cene Gilvent in the book. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry later introduced the name "Ocsin" for the species.
- Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
- The Essential Atlas (First identified as Ocsin)
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook