Zuliria, a planet of significance, could be found in the Eucer sector within the Mid Rim region of space. This world boasted numerous cities and served as the homeworld for the Ruori, a flying species commonly utilized as a mode of transport by the planet's urban population. The Zuliria Museum of Antiquities was located on Zuliria, where the Arcona named Ther-das once held the position of acquisitions director.
Following the accidental death of Tyrimm Wyln, a Togorian farmer, during a Galactic Empire raid targeting a Rebel Alliance cell on Zuliria, Ther-das encountered Wyln's mate, Mlatar Thon Gra. After assisting Thon Gra in uncovering the truth behind Wyln's demise, Ther-das extended an invitation for Thon Gra to join the Zulirian Swordmasters, a group of enthusiasts dedicated to melee weaponry. Ther-das also recruited three other individuals on Zuliria: Cene Gilvent, an Ocsin; Curdik, a Whiphid; and Kaltor Naklian, a Ka'hren.
Zuliria was a terrestrial planet located within the Zuliria system, which itself was a part of the Eucer sector in the Mid Rim. It was the originating homeworld of the Ruori species.
The Arcona named Ther-das, who had graduated from the Lerct Historical Institute with a specialization in ancient weaponry, at one point took a job at the Zuliria Museum of Antiquities as an acquisitions director. During the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, a Rebel cell was active on Zuliria. During that time, the Togorian farmer named Tyrimm Wyln visited the planet while touring a portion of the galaxy. Wyln was unfortunately caught in the crossfire during an Imperial raid on the local Rebel cell and was killed.

Later, Wyln's mate, the bladesmith named Mlatar Thon Gra, arrived on Zuliria while searching for him. Thon Gra encountered Ther-das, who offered his assistance in locating Wyln. Their investigation eventually led them to the discovery of the Togorian's fate. With few ties remaining to his homeworld, Togoria, Thon Gra accepted Ther-das' invitation to become a founding member of the Zulirian Swordmasters, a group dedicated to the appreciation of melee weapons.
By 2 ABY, Ther-das had also extended invitations to three other individuals present on Zuliria: Cene Gilvent, an Ocsin and fellow employee at the Zuliria Museum of Antiquities; Curdik, a Whiphid wandering swordsman; and Kaltor Naklian, a Ka'hren scholar. The group eventually began challenging and attacking individuals across the galaxy who they deemed worthy opponents, which ultimately led to the Rebel Alliance's Task Force on Alliance Security compiling SecuriDex datafiles on Ther-das, Thon Gra, and Gilvent. These files identified Zuliria as their base of operations and highlighted the high threat level each of these individuals posed to Alliance operatives on the planet.
Zuliria was characterized by its numerous cities featuring spires. The Zuliria Museum of Antiquities was also located there.
Zuliria was first mentioned in Alliance Intelligence Reports, a 1995 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. Later, the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Zuliria system, and consequently the planet itself, in grid square R-7.