The Ka'hren were a humanoid species with sentience, native to the planet V'shar.
This species, characterized by its longevity, long arms, and large hands, possessed thick skin that served as a natural defense, shielding their internal organs from physical harm. Their physical traits included fur localized to their temples and forearms, prominent teeth, and a distinct crested forehead. Ka'hren skin pigmentation varied, ranging from deep red to black, though blue and purple hues were most frequently observed.
Prior to interactions with external civilizations, the Ka'hren did not prioritize the systematic documentation of past events, resulting in a fragmented and often inaccurate historical record. The tales of the legendary Unfyr warriors, for example, had largely faded from memory. Nevertheless, they deeply revered their known history, striving to uphold the traditions of their ancestors to the best of their abilities. This profound respect for their elders led to the common selection of Ka'hren elders to govern V'shar.
The governing structure of V'shar was a representative democracy heavily influenced by theocracy. Leaders were chosen to represent each of the diverse religious factions present on V'shar. V'shar comprised seven distinct nations, each headed by a primary leader, alongside subordinate leaders representing less prevalent religious beliefs.
Ka'hrens exhibited a strong devotion to their religion, known as Jydan, and its associated traditions, despite the presence of numerous faiths on V'shar during the Rebellion era. Each religion was expected to pledge allegiance to a specific deity while also paying homage to all other gods. According to the sacred Jydan Writings, a god's teachings were to be transcribed by that god's three prophets, and the Volumes of Truth, also authored by the three prophets of each god, were to delineate that god's laws and moral principles. Their religious beliefs held that the galaxy had been governed by the gods since the dawn of time, and that the gods bestowed their favor upon the Ka'hren people.
The Ka'hrens held such a high regard for one another that the concept of betrayal was foreign to them until they encountered other species. This aversion to what they perceived as "treacherous" species led them to adopt an isolationist stance. Any Ka'hren wishing to leave V'shar was required to obtain explicit authorization from each of the nation leaders on V'shar.
Their interaction with other species prompted a shift in their attitude towards recording historical information, which ultimately led to the establishment of the University of Timb on V'shar.
As of 2 ABY, one of the most prominent religions was Ni'Shaw-Dak, a relatively new sect founded by Kaltor Naklian.