Jydan served as the primary religious belief system on V'shar, adhered to by the Ka'hren species.
This polytheistic faith encompassed various denominations, with the Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry holding the most significant position throughout the Rebellion era. The Ni'Shaw-Dak branch venerated Ni'Shaw, one of the deities within the Jydan pantheon.
The Jydan Writings and the Volumes of Truth constituted the holy scriptures of Jydan. These texts stipulated that each god must impart their teachings (within the Writings) and their legal and moral codes (within the Volumes) via the pronouncements of three distinct prophets. According to the Jydan Writings, the gods had governed the galaxy from the dawn of time, and they held the Ka'hren in high regard.
Jydan was characterized by its aggressive nature: Adherents of Jydan held the conviction that blameless individuals of differing faiths were destined for damnation, thereby justifying their extermination.