Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry

title: Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry

The religious organization referred to as the Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry functioned as a division within the Jydan faith, practiced by the native Ka'hren people residing on the planet V'shar.

The central figure of worship for the Ni'Shaw-Dak was Ni'Shaw, a lesser deity associated with both warfare and intelligence. This god was once venerated by the ancient Unfyr warriors. However, due to the Ka'hren's lack of historical documentation, Ni'Shaw faded into obscurity following the Unfyr's decline. At that point in time, Ni'Shaw only had two prophets, instead of the three traditional prophets to write his teachings in the sacred Jydan Writings and his laws and ethos in the holy Volumes of Truth.

During the Rebellion era, Kaltor Naklian, a Ka'hren history instructor at the University of Timb, spearheaded the rediscovery of the Unfyr warriors and their cultural heritage. Naklian also unearthed the forgotten techniques of rantok construction and usage. Shortly thereafter, while on an archaeological dig within a cave, Naklian came across the writings of Ni'Shaw's two prophets, alongside a well-preserved rantok.

Naklian interpreted this as a divine sign from Ni'Shaw, selecting him as the Third Prophet. Naklian relinquished his university position and established the Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry, assuming the role of its inaugural high priest. Naklian grounded the Ni'Shaw-Dak's doctrines in Jydan principles, while also drawing upon the beliefs and customs of other ancient Ka'hren tribes.

Naklian's reputation as both a scalp hunter and a Zulirian Swordmaster contributed to the rapid expansion of his sect across V'shar, eventually amassing over two and a half million adherents, many of whom were highly skilled fighters. Given V'shar's governing system as a demo-theocracy, the Ni'Shaw-Dak quickly gained considerable influence in V'shar's political landscape.

The Ni'Shaw-Dak's organizational structure featured the Third Prophet (Naklian) at its apex, serving as the religion's leader. He was supported by twelve Al'ma'dens, or popal priests. Beneath them, 1,728 shafars, functioning as priests, were distributed throughout the planet.

Adherents of Ni'Shaw-Dak held the belief that innocent people following other religions were destined for damnation, and therefore, their killing was not morally wrong.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
