Mlatar Thon Gra was a male Togorian and a Zulirian Swordmaster, according to legends.
In his youth, Mlatar demonstrated considerable skill as a hunter, living alongside his father's tribe. The tribe subsequently received an invitation to accompany the Margrave's encampment. During this period, Mlatar participated in the Rrann Hhoss, a competition that emphasized the utilization of sc'rath scimitars for both combat and hunting purposes. As a hunter, Mlatar decided to compete, and to everyone's surprise, he emerged as the victor.
His participation garnered the attention of the master smith Elotis, who extended an invitation for Mlatar to become their apprentice. Mlatar proved to be a quick study, mastering the craft of sc'raths in under five years. Sometime during his sixth year, Elotis formally recognized him as a master smith. He distinguished himself as the first Togorian in over three generations to attain the rank of master smith in less than a decade.
Shortly thereafter, Mlatar encountered a female Togorian named Tyrimm Wyln, and they entered into a romantic relationship. Wyln eventually accumulated sufficient credits from the earnings of the farm she co-managed with her sisters and resolved to embark on a tour, departing from Togoria to explore planets such as Ord Klina and Zuliria. Tragically, in Zuliria, Tyrimm was caught in the crossfire of an Imperial assault on a Rebel cell, resulting in her death.
Consumed with worry over his mate's prolonged absence, Mlatar departed from Togoria in search of her. At that juncture, he stood as one of the most accomplished bladesmiths to ever leave Togoria, and he was also a formidable combatant wielding twin scimitars. He was also known for his preference for the traditional scr'ath of his father's tribe, instead of the "pretentious" crystalline scr'ath that appeared later.
Upon arriving in Zuliria, Mlatar encountered a fellow enthusiast of blades, Ther-das, who quickly became his close friend and offered assistance in locating Tyrimm. They soon uncovered the tragic circumstances of her demise, which devastated Mlatar. With no compelling reason to return to Togoria, Mlatar accepted Ther-das's invitation to join the ranks of the Zulirian Swordmasters.
He possessed a domesticated mosgoth named Ktlin. Mlatar favored Ktlin as a mode of transportation for navigating cities, opting for it over the more conventional ruori.
Mlatar Thon Gra also constructed the Soknar, a customized weapon for fellow Swordsmaster Cene Gilvent, by integrating a Somreth tri-blade from the Drevun Six, the Barnax "Twenchok" foil, and the Coynite sat'skar. Rebel operative and Togorian Tynan Ryln Mei authored a report on Mlatar, emphasizing his exceptional swordsmanship. Tynan further noted that, owing to the Zulirian Swordmasters' strategic approach, Mlatar was prone to ambushing unprepared adversaries with his sc'rath.