Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook serves as the definitive rulebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game, additionally providing the full adventure titled Trouble Brewing. Its initial release occurred on July 5, 2013.
The official FAQ and Errata document, addressing rules clarifications and error corrections, became available on October 11, 2013.
Immerse yourself in dark and challenging escapades within environments where ethical boundaries are blurred and certainty is absent. Engage in activities such as smuggling goods in the Outer Rim, hunting down criminals lurking in Coruscant's underbelly, or attempting to found a settlement on a world unnoticed by the Empire. With the Star Wars: The Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, the very essence of your Edge of the Empire campaign and the vast Star Wars universe are readily accessible. This comprehensive 448-page Core Rulebook encompasses all necessary materials for both players and Game Masters to initiate their Star Wars roleplaying experience:
- ISBN 9781616616571 ; July 5 , 2013 ; Fantasy Flight Games ; US hardcover [2] [5]