Trouble Brewing

Trouble Brewing represents a fully realized roleplaying game experience, featured within the pages of the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook. This product was brought to market by Fantasy Flight Games on July 5, 2013.

Summary Provided by the Publisher

"The setting for this adventure is the world of Formos, a rather unremarkable planet situated in the Outer Rim. While the planet itself holds little inherent significance, it occupies a strategic position at the intersection of two heavily utilized hyperspace lanes. One such lane, the Pabol Sleheyron, extends Coreward towards the adjacent Hutt Space, while the Triellus Trade Route facilitates travel to both spinward and trailing sectors of the Outer Rim. In addition, Formos is directly connected to the resource-rich mining planet of Kessel through a constricted pathway of navigable space referred to as the Kessel Run. Consequently, Formos has gained notoriety as a sanctuary for a diverse array of smugglers, spacefarers, and other disreputable individuals..."
