
Saclas, a desolate planet located in the Outer Rim Territories and situated within the Corporate Sector, served as the homeworld for gelatinous pet slimes. This world was a colony established by the sentient Ocsin species. Due to frequent visits from Ocsin merchants heading to Galactic Empirecontrolled space, as well as free-traders and smugglers cautiously entering the Corporate Sector Authority's domain, Saclas gained a reputation for being a lawless and rugged place. Cene Gilvent, who would later join the Zulirian Swordmasters, spent her formative years on Saclas, eventually accumulating sufficient money to leave the planet.


This barren planet, known as Saclas, resided within the Saclas system, situated just inside the Corporate Sector borders within the Outer Rim Territories'. Its location on the Solenbaran Merchant Route hyperlane provided a link to both the Jerrist system and the neighboring Wyl sector. Additionally, Saclas marked one terminus of the Tertiary Solenbaran route, connecting it to the Duroon system. While possessing limited overall significance, the planet was famous for its gelatinous pet slimes, which were extremely popular among young members of the sentient Gamorrean species, who are native to Gamorr in the Outer Rim's Galov sector.


The Corporate Sector Authority, the governing body of the Corporate Sector, held dominion over Saclas. Cene Gilvent, a female Ocsin, spent her childhood on Saclas. During her late teenage years, she made enough money through harvesting gelatinous pet slimes to afford passage to the Mid Rim. There, she ultimately became a member of the Zulirian Swordmasters, a group of melee weapon enthusiasts.


Saclas served as a colony world for the Ocsin, whose origins trace back to Farana, a celestial body located in Wild Space. Ocsin merchants frequently visited the planet while traveling the Solenbaran Merchant Route toward Galactic Empirecontrolled space. Free-traders and smugglers also commonly frequented Saclas, using it as a stop while avoiding venturing deeper into the Corporate Sector Authority's territory.


Saclas, a tough and unforgiving world, was dotted with a variety of rudimentary spaceports and cantinas, which were similarly known for their rough atmosphere.

Behind the scenes

The sourcebook Alliance Intelligence Reports, released in 1995 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games, provided the first mention of Saclas. Subsequently, The Essential Atlas, a reference book published in 2009, placed Saclas within grid square S-4.


Notes and references
