The planet of Fibuli, a Trianii settlement, was taken over by the Corporate Sector Authority following a military operation that spanned three months.
Due to their inherent nature as explorers, the Trianii had established settlements on at least six star systems by the time the Corporate Sector received its charter; the Fibuli system was one of these. Fibuli, like other Trianii colonies, functioned as an autonomous and self-sufficient community, with the renowned Trianii Rangers acting as an independent security force dedicated to the planet's protection. However, this peace was disrupted by the increasing expansion of the Corporate Sector Authority (CSA), which began to assert claims over territories in close proximity to Trianii space. The CSA's claim over Fibuli in 2 BBY was met with resistance from the Trianii, who refused to simply retreat to their other settlements as expected.
Despite their lack of experience in large-scale battles, the Security Police managed to conquer Fibuli in only three months. This swift victory was largely due to the brutal methods employed by Security Police interrogators, who subjected captured Trianii to merciless torture in order to extract information regarding the whereabouts of the Trianii resistance leaders. One such method was The Burning, a practice involving the searing of flesh from the bones of living prisoners. Though many Trianii Rangers, including Atuarre and her mate Keeheen, fought valiantly against the Security Police, Fibuli ultimately fell. Atuarre managed to escape, but her mate and their cub, Pakka, were captured. While she succeeded in rescuing Pakka on her own, the trauma he endured during his captivity left him unable to speak. Keeheen, on the other hand, was transported to the Corporate Sector Authority prison facility located at Stars' End.
The Corporate Sector Authority viewed the annexation of Fibuli as a triumph; however, the Trianii regarded the campaign as an act of war. The conflict between the Authority and the Trianii Rangers persisted, with the Galactic Empire choosing not to take sides.