
As a cub, Pakka, a male Trianii, took part in the liberation of Stars' End, a prison within the Corporate Sector, in 2 BBY. His parents were both Trianii Rangers. Pakka spent his early years near Fibuli, a border world, until the Corporate Sector Authority violently annexed it and captured him. The torture he endured was so severe that he lost his ability to speak. While his mother, Atuarre, rescued him, his father, Keeheen, disappeared into Authority custody. Pakka and his mother then joined a group of individuals, friends and family, who were searching for their missing relatives, and discovered Keeheen was being held at the top-secret Stars' End facility. With the help of Han Solo, a well-known Corellian smuggler, the two Trianii caused the facility to fail, freeing the prisoners and reuniting their family.


Pakka (middle) with his parents, Keeheen (left) and Atuarre (right), prior to the annexation of Fibuli.

Pakka, a male Trianii, was born to Trianii Rangers, an elite law enforcement group. Keeheen, his father, became the youngest fully commissioned Ranger ever, and Atuarre, his mother, joined the Rangers after they were married. Consequently, Pakka's childhood involved constant travel, never staying on one world for very long. Early in his life, his parents were assigned to patrol Fibuli, a frontier planet that was a hotspot in the ongoing conflict between the Trianii and the Corporate Sector Authority. Their time on Fibuli was relatively peaceful for a time, until the Authority launched a full-scale annex of Fibuli in 2 BBY. Pakka's parents joined the local resistance, but they were quickly defeated within a few months. During the fighting, Pakka and his father were captured and brutally tortured by Security Police searching for the resistance leaders.

Atuarre succeeded in rescuing Pakka during a daring raid on a [transport](/article/transport-legends] vessel, but the trauma from his time in Authority custody left him unable to speak. Nevertheless, Pakka joined his mother on a subsequent mission to find and rescue Keeheen, who was still missing. The two Trianii discovered that Keeheen was not the only one who had mysteriously disappeared in the Corporate Sector recently. They joined forces with a group of friends and family members, led by an academic named Rekkon, who were also searching for their lost loved ones. Over a month, they slowly infiltrated an Authority Data Center on Orron III, hoping to find information on the missing individuals. They were soon joined by Han Solo, a Corellian smuggler, and his Wookiee companion Chewbacca, who were hired to provide an escape route. Solo brought two droids, Bollux and Blue Max, which sped up the process of downloading information from the data center. Pakka, Atuarre, and Torm Dadeferron, another member of the group, arrived as the droids finished their work. However, their introductions were interrupted when Blue Max alerted them that the Security Police had detected their presence and were moving to intercept them.

With Blue Max's help—which used its access to the Authority's systems to create false alarms across the planet—Pakka and his allies narrowly escaped the facility ahead of a squad of police. They stole a skimmer and attempted to reach the nearby spaceport. However, the police forced the skimmer to crash in a field, and as Pakka was pulled to safety by his mother, Chewbacca was captured. The group regrouped without the Wookiee, returned to Solo's Millennium Falcon, and jumped to hyperspace. Despite escaping the immediate threat of Authority capture, their hope for peace was short-lived. Soon after the Falcon entered hyperspace, Rekkon—who suspected an informant within the group—was found dead near the ship's dejarik board, with a [blaster](/article/blaster-legends] wound in his back. Solo quickly identified Dadeferron as the killer and, with the help of the two Trianii, subdued him before spacing him from the ship's airlock.

Pakka's family reunites after the liberation of Stars' End.

Before his death, Rekkon had managed to examine the data from Orron III and identify the location of the Corporate Sector's missing people: "Stars' End," located on Mytus VII. With two more of their group gone, the remaining members continued to the Mytus system, where they discovered a desolate asteroid and the heavily guarded [prison](/article/prison-legends] known as Stars' End. Solo devised a plan to infiltrate the prison: the crew of the Millennium Falcon would pose as entertainers, with Pakka, known for his energy and agility, performing acrobatics alongside his mother, a skilled dancer. Their performance energized the crowd and impressed Mirkovig Hirken, the Viceprex of the Authority's Security Division.

The performance was a distraction, allowing Solo and Blue Max to search the prison's systems for the prisoners' locations, which they quickly found. Hirken, unimpressed, cut the Trianii's performance short, wanting to see Bollux fight his Mark X Executioner [gladiator](/article/gladiator-legends] droid. The mother and cub left for the Falcon. As they approached the ship, a massive explosion rocked Stars' End, the result of a duel between Solo and Uul-Rha-Shan, Hirken's bodyguard. Pakka and his mother watched in shock as the prison detached from Mytus VII and rose into the sky. The two Trianii fought their way through several Security Police to reach the Falcon, with Pakka even defeating one trooper with a flying dropkick. Atuarre took control of the freighter and used its tractor beam to attach a tunnel-tube junction station, providing ample space for the freed prisoners. With the station secured, Atuarre docked the ship on the escaping prison and led the freed prisoners to safety, reuniting with Keeheen, who was safe and sound, on their way out of Stars' End.

With the family reunited, Pakka's parents decided to take a year off from their Ranger duties to settle down and give Pakka the chance to attend school and adjust to a normal life. News of Pakka's fight against the Corporate Sector Authority spread quickly, making him popular among his peers, and he began to make friends for the first time. After several weeks, Pakka began to speak again, indicating that he was overcoming his trauma.

Personality and traits

Pakka, a strong young Trianii, inherited his father's energy and his mother's grace and athleticism. These qualities made him well-suited for the Rangers' traveling lifestyle, although the lack of a stable upbringing limited his friendships with other youths. His capture and torture by the Security Police hindered his development, leaving him unable to speak for a long time. Despite his experiences, Pakka proved to be a dedicated fighter and loyal to Rekkon's group, even defeating Security Police personnel with his agility. After the ordeal on Stars' End, Pakka's trauma began to fade. He settled down, made friends his own age, and started to speak again.

Behind the scenes

Pakka first appeared in Han Solo at Stars' End, a novel by Brian Daley published in 1979. He was illustrated by Alfredo Alcala in the story's comic adaptation. Mike Vilardi later illustrated Pakka in 1993's Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, which provided much of the Trianii's backstory.

