
Uul-Rha-Shan functioned as a male Tiss'shar smuggler, mercenary, and adept gunfighter. He served as the bodyguard for Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex Mirkovig Hirken within Corporate Security. Initiating his career within a smuggling operation on his home planet, Tiss'sharl, Uul-Rha-Shan eventually established his own independent enterprise. Over time, he garnered recognition as one of the galaxy's most lethal individuals when wielding a blaster. His journey led him to the Corporate Sector, where he attained minor celebrity status after heroically rescuing a low-ranking official in the presence of news reporters.

His newly acquired fame secured him a lucrative position safeguarding Hirken, the overseer of a clandestine prison facility known as Stars' End. Initially, the role presented itself as comfortable and effortless. However, this dynamic shifted in 2 BBY, when a group spearheaded by Corellian smuggler Han Solo materialized with the intention to free the inmates of Stars' End. A swift confrontation occurred between Uul-Rha-Shan and Solo, culminating in a substantial power plant explosion that sealed the prison's fate. Subsequently, the Tiss'shar pursued Solo within the devastated station, only to be fatally struck by a bolt from Solo's blaster, piercing his chest.



As a member of the reptilian Tiss'shar species, Uul-Rha-Shan's affinity for weaponry manifested early in life. His journey began within a sprawling weapons smuggling syndicate situated on his homeworld of Tiss'sharl. Rapidly demonstrating a proclivity for killing, he soon embarked on an independent career as a mercenary and bodyguard. Upon venturing out on his own, Uul-Rha-Shan commenced the construction of his reputation as a proficient gunfighter, garnering considerable notoriety for eliminating a number of infamous marksmen. His initial prominent victim was the "invincible" Gotal mercenary Terrlarn, who attempted to strong-arm Uul-Rha-Shan's employer out of a consignment of Tagge Company blaster cartridges at Port Haven. The Tiss'shar showcased superior speed, resulting in the Gotal's demise on the shoreline. Further enhancing his reputation, he fatally shot Socorran gunslinger Neena Garnet amidst a dispute over a bar bill at the Black Sands Cantina, and eliminated Meelto of Rodia during a sabacc game, subsequently vaporizing three security personnel during his escape from Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport.

By 2 BBY, Uul-Rha-Shan had cultivated a reputation that distinguished him among the galaxy's most exceptional assassins: a mercenary prepared to travel anywhere and eliminate anyone for the appropriate compensation. Eventually, his notoriety grew to the point that it captured the attention of the Corporate Sector Authority, which recruited the Tiss'shar to serve as a bodyguard—a role considered a significant status symbol within the Corporate Sector. His initial assignment involved merely shadowing a minor official from Millennium Entertainments, but his profile swiftly ascended when he rescued the Assistant Advisory Undersecretary of Media during a terrorist assault by the Duroon Rebels at a promotional screening on Etti IV. Uul-Rha-Shan's achievement transpired in full view of news cameras, and his distinctive appearance, coupled with his proficiency with a blaster, transformed him into an overnight celebrity within the Corporate Sector. He promptly began receiving a flurry of job offers, but one stood out: an invitation from Mirkovig Hirken, Viceprex of Corporate Security, to work exclusively for him in exchange for a generous salary.

Uul-Rha-Shan accepted the proposition, which proved to be a relaxed and undemanding arrangement. Hirken dedicated his days to his personal project: an experimental prison facility known as Stars' End, where thousands of the Corporate Sector's undesirable individuals and dissidents were discreetly dispatched to serve their sentences in suspended animation. Hirken and his wife relocated permanently to the prison complex, situated on the desolate asteroid Mytus VII, with Uul-Rha-Shan accompanying them as Hirken's constant guardian. In 2 BBY, Stars' End received a visit from a purported troupe of entertainers, "Madam Atuarre's Roving Performers"—in reality, they comprised an undercover group of Corporate Sector citizens seeking relatives who had been secretly imprisoned at Stars' End. Their performance was intended to serve as a diversion while the group's de facto leader, Corellian smuggler Han Solo, searched the facility for a means to liberate the prisoners.

Han Solo and Uul-Rha-Shan do battle.

Initially, Uul-Rha-Shan and the facility personnel remained oblivious. While he had heard of Solo, the troupe's "Master Marksman," he failed to recognize him, and their performance commenced. However, Hirken swiftly grew disinterested. As a gladiator droid aficionado, the Viceprex was solely interested in witnessing one of the group's droids engage in combat against his prized Mark X Executioner. Yet, when he commanded the fight to proceed, he was astonished to observe the underdog Bollux, not programmed for combat, dismantle his lethal machine. Enraged, he ordered Uul-Rha-Shan into the arena to confront the "Master Marksman," who surprised him by revealing himself as Solo, someone he deemed worthy of killing. Nevertheless, their encounter was brief—the Tiss'shar's initial disruptor shot missed and obliterated crucial circuitry nearby, rapidly triggering a massive power plant explosion that ejected Stars' End from the surface of Mytus VII.

What ensued was utter chaos, as Hirken, Uul-Rha-Shan, and the surviving staff frantically sought a means to escape the doomed prison while Solo and his companions commenced the freeing of the confined. Hirken swiftly realized that his sole chance of survival lay in negotiating with Solo, and dispatched Uul-Rha-Shan with a squad of Security Police to locate him and establish contact. However, Uul-Rha-Shan desired Solo's demise and ultimately confronted the Corellian in the smoldering corridors of Stars' End. The Tiss'shar fired the initial shot, but missed—instead, removing a portion of Bollux's head—and Solo responded with a blaster round directly into Uul-Rha-Shan's chest, killing one of the galaxy's most infamous gunmen.

Personality and traits

Uul-Rha-Shan and his employer, Mirkovig Hirken.

Uul-Rha-Shan's trajectory in life was determined early on, as he realized that he possessed not only a talent for killing but also genuine enjoyment in the act. With this understanding, he firmly believed that he could forge a career using his blaster, and he proved correct. Uul-Rha-Shan was a dispassionate, calculating opportunist renowned for his exceptionally rapid and precise draw, typically employing a custom Merr-Sonn MSD-32 disruptor pistol attached to a power-loaded mechanism on his arm. By 2 BBY, he had become famous for his willingness and ability to kill anyone, anywhere, although he still preferred to know the identity of his target before firing the fatal shot.

The Tiss'shar's inclination toward violence led him to his lucrative position with Mirkovig Hirken, although he held little respect for the man himself: generally dismissive of the intelligence of Humans, Uul-Rha-Shan considered Hirken particularly foolish for compensating him so generously, believing that the Viceprex of Corporate Security could simply reprogram one of his prized gladiator droids and save himself the expense. While he found working for Hirken to be an effortless endeavor, he ultimately encountered an adversary he deemed worthy of elimination: Han Solo. Despite being aware of Solo's reputation, the Tiss'shar regarded himself as superior to the Corellian and could not resist the temptation to provoke Solo before ultimately meeting his demise.

Behind the scenes

Uul-Rha-Shan's introduction occurred in Han Solo at Stars' End, a novel authored by Brian Daley and published in 1979. He was subsequently depicted by Alfredo Alcala in the story's comic adaptation, and by Chris Trevas in 2009's The Essential Atlas. The Han Solo at Stars' End comic portrays Uul-Rha-Shan turning on and killing Hirken at the conclusion of the narrative, whereas in the book, the Viceprex is murdered by his own wife, and the Tiss'shar is already deceased by that point.

